Greg Mank was kind enough to email me back. Here is an excerpt of what he wrote to me:
"It's very good to learn you are a Cinema Studies major and I wish you all success with your pursuits. It's obvious in your email that you have eloquence and the passion for your area of expertise. Go for it and enjoy it. There are always new discoveries to be made.
Please stay in touch and keep me informed re: your graduate school application and projects. Meanwhile, many thanks again for your email and all very best wishes,
I am glad that so many cinema studies authors are so kind, friendly, and easy to get in touch with. I have also gotten responses from Robert Spadoni and David J. Skal after writing to them with praise and/or questions. It makes me feel gopd that these scholars are so willing to respond to and engage with some lowly undergrads that are into monster movies.
oh it's just because you are the best.